Have a stress-free holiday season! We have prepared for you special gift sets, wellness products and Epsom salt packs. Enjoy up to 15% OFF selected goods!

Cul de Sac -JAPON
Cul de Sac -JAPON
Cul de Sac – JAPON 青森ヒバ木的質感令人愛不釋手,更有濃厚的節日氣氛。清新的木香除了有輕鬆、安神的效用,ヒバ木的精油也以其天然的抗菌,除臭功能而聞名,更具有驅蟲作用。
Get into the festive spirit with the Aomori Hiba wood goods from Cul de Sac – JAPON .
Apart from its unique relaxing wood scent, the Aomori Hiba wood essential oil is renowned for its benefits including antibacterial and odor elimination. Besides, this oil also has insecticidal ingredient.
官網有更多介紹 Official Website
Make a DIY at-home spa with Epsom salt as a great addition to your detox regimen this holiday season. It is a natural stress reliever to help relaxation and also ease muscle pain.

* WILD INCENSE SPRAY 消臭・抗菌芳香剤 50ml * HIBA MAGIC 青森絲柏 ヒバマジック / 除湿・消臭材 80g * FOR CLOSET 3BAGS 青森絲柏 衣櫥用消臭・防虫材 18g x 3 Bags (3包) NOW $356

* HIBA WOOD HAND SOAP 青森絲柏 ヒバ液体石鹸 300ml * HIBA WOOD BATH SALT青森絲柏 塩風呂(ヒバ精油配合) 25g * KAYA-FUKIN 青森絲柏紋理抹布 (青森ヒバ成分配合) 300mm x 300mm NOW $330

12ml 250年以上樹齡的青森絲柏製作成粉狀物,通過水蒸氣蒸餾提取的精油。 Extracted through water vapor distillation, from the wood chippings of Aomori Hiba trees dating over 250 years. NOW $178

* Hiba Wood Essential Oil 青森絲柏 ヒバ精油 12ml * WILD INCENSE SPRAY 消臭・抗菌芳香剤 50ml * HIBA SACHET 青森ヒバ袋子 * HIBA BASKET 青森ヒバ籠 NOW $799

35ml 250年以上樹齡的青森絲柏製作成粉狀物,通過水蒸氣蒸餾提取的精油。 Extracted through water vapor distillation, from the wood chippings of Aomori Hiba trees dating over 250 years. NOW $358

35ml 帶滴管 with eyedropper 250年以上樹齡的青森絲柏製作成粉狀物,通過水蒸氣蒸餾提取的精油。 Extracted through water vapor distillation, from the wood chippings of Aomori Hiba trees dating over 250 years. $385

250g (燃燒時間約50小時 Burning time 50 Hours) 青森絲柏精油,大豆蠟,絲柏木。天然木芯的造型,能感受到戶外氣氛的蠟燭,享受溫柔廣闊的天然香氣。放鬆安神。 蠟燭底部壁薄,請搭配杯盤使用。不要在有風的地方使用。 Soybean wax, Hiba wood and Hiba Oil. Candle surrounded by Hiba wood twigs. The core of the candle is also Hiba wood and you can hear the crackling of the wood as the candle burns. Place the candle on a dish to prevent leaks. Do not use candle if windy to prevent burning the surrounding Hiba wood twigs. NOW $448

250g (燃燒時間約50小時 Burning time 50 Hours) 青森絲柏精油,大豆蠟,絲柏木。天然木芯的造型,能感受到戶外氣氛的蠟燭,享受溫柔廣闊的天然香氣。放鬆安神。 蠟燭底部壁薄,請搭配杯盤使用。不要在有風的地方使用。 Soybean wax, Hiba wood and Hiba Oil. Candle surrounded by Hiba wood twigs. The core of the candle is also Hiba wood and you can hear the crackling of the wood as the candle burns. Place the candle on a dish to prevent leaks. Do not use candle if windy to prevent burning the surrounding Hiba wood twigs. NOW $484

250g (燃燒時間約 35小時 Burning time 35Hours) 青森絲柏精油,大豆蠟,絲柏木。天然木芯的造型,能感受到戶外氣氛的蠟燭,享受溫柔廣闊的天然香氣。放鬆安神。 蠟燭底部壁薄,請搭配杯盤使用。不要在有風的地方使用。 Soybean wax, Hiba wood and Hiba Oil. Candle surrounded by Hiba wood twigs. The core of the candle is also Hiba wood and you can hear the crackling of the wood as the candle burns. Place the candle on a dish to prevent leaks. Do not use candle if windy to prevent burning the surrounding Hiba wood twigs. NOW $511

60ml (使用時長約2年, can last for 2 years) 抗菌、放鬆安神、防蟲、消臭功效。100% 青森絲柏天然香氣。 吸油枝條插入精油瓶,擴散溫柔的天然香氣。 Antibacterial, relaxing, insect repelling, deodorant. 100% scent of Hiba wood. Place oil-absorbing branches into the essential oil bottles, let the natural tender aroma to diffuse. NOW $529

34mm方形絲柏塊5個 + 12ml青森絲柏精油 34mm Hiba wood cubes + 12ml Hiba wood oil 抗菌、放鬆安神、防蟲、消臭。 滴2-3滴絲柏精油至木塊,放在浴室、車內、鞋、衣櫃等位置祛除異味。 Antibacterial, relaxing, insect repelling, deodorant. Can be sprayed for room, clothes etc. to get rid of bad smell. NOW $268

500g 由青森絲柏 ヒバ精油,加上含豐富鎂質的硫酸鎂礦物質瀉鹽。抗菌、放鬆安神、排毒、消炎、舒緩痛症等功效。 可用作浸浴或足浴。 Combining the rich Magnesium sulphate mineral (Epsom Salt) with Hiba wood oil, It has anti-bacterial, relaxation, detox and soothe inflammation and muscle pain effects. For full body bath or foot bath. NOW $268

NOW $135

NOW $162
產品數量有限,歡迎來臨我們門市選購或於 WHATSAPP 95465353 向我們購買
Available on limited quantities. The products are available for purchase in our shop, or through WHATSAPP 95465353
Offer lasts until 1 January 2020.