承載著 FLOAX為大家準備的療癒身心的小品,縱使2020是多麼的沮喪,也是送給香港人的一份祝褔。
為了迎接2021年的到來,我們精心準備了今年的 FLOAX袋,裡面的物品可以帶給您在家的儀式護理,以及一點休閒的歡樂,來迎接新的一年〜
今年FLOAX袋 裡面放的每一樣東西,都是希望能祝福著大家2021新開始,be cleansed, be blessed, be guided~⠀
The end of 2020 is approaching! This year we have gone through a lot of downs, we are more aware of learning to take good care ourselves and remind our loved ones to keep positive physically & mentally.
To welcome the arrival of 2021, we have thoughtfully prepare this year’s FLOAX bag with items that can brings you a home ritual care, as well as a bit of leisure joy to welcome the new year~
What's in FLOAX bag
𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐨𝐟 𝐈 pocket size A6 Astrology 2021 planner 占星行事曆
FLOAXrose gold metal pen
FLOAX100g Epsom bath salt 瀉鹽
FLOAXPalo Santo bundle of 5
𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐲 cinema buy one get one free film ticket voucher
FLOAXexclusive blend of Aomori Hiba purifying room spray
FLOAX Buy 1 get 1 free floatation voucher
以上總值超過 Valued Over $900
二個或以上優惠價每個 $508
Purchase 2 FLOAX BAGS and above can enjoy offer:
2 bags or more: $508 each
FLOAX袋 數量有限,趕緊預訂!
FLOAX BAG available in limited quantities. Order now before it’s sold out!

The Magic of I 是靈魂低語的結晶,來自宇宙占星帶來了信息和提醒活著確實是最大的禮物。Magic of I 創造了分享與地球和宇宙保持一致,有意識地生活並相互聯繫的工具。 無論您是愛月亮星宿的人、喜歡計劃、對行星的對話感興趣、占星學的學生還是專業人士、瑜伽愛好者、女巫,草本醫師,對這些完全不懂,或者您只想把整個宇宙都塞在口袋裡,你都可擁有這漂亮的Magic of I.的占星行事曆,感受它的魔力。
The Magic of I is a culmination of soul whispers, springboarding from the stars bringing messages and reminders that being alive is truly the greatest gift. Magic of I's purpose is to share tools of interconnectedness, to live with awareness in alignment with the earth and the cosmos.
Whether you are a moon lover, a planning freak, interested in the conversations of the planets, an astrology student or professional, yogi, witch, herbalist, complete noob OR you just want the whole cosmos in your pocket, there is now a full to the brim magical little guide that you cannot live without. The Magic of I. Astrological Planner.

1) 填妥訂購表格 ,提供訂購數量、自取或送貨選擇及相關資料
2) 於遞交表格起3天內,透過銀行轉賬 / PayMe / FPS 付款,並以電郵 (info@floax.com.hk) 或Whatsapp (9546 5353) 傳送個人資料及入數紙/轉賬資料給我們,以確認訂單
3) 在我們確認訂單後,將會於12月15日起發送有關自取及送貨日期的通知。
如想將FLOAX袋直接送遞給你的朋友,請你於訂購表格選擇送貨,並於收件地址及收件人一欄填上指定收件人之姓名及地址,付款時另加送件費 HKD$30即可。
5) 選擇自取的客人可根據取貨日期到店取貨,請於7天內到店取貨。
1) Fill in the ORDER FORM with order number, in-store pickup or delivery selection and personal information.
2) Pay via bank transfer/ PayMe / FPS within 3 days after submission of order form.
Send us your personal information and transaction record by email (info@floax.com.hk) or Whatsapp (9546 5353).
3) After we confirm the order, we will send you a notification about in-store pickup / delivery date and details.
The first batch of notifications will be sent from 15 December onwards.
4) Customers who opt for delivery will receive a notification from the delivery services company.
The default delivery option will be SF Express’s Standard Express Service - paid by receivers (Estimated rate HKD$30).
If you want the FLOAX bag to be delivered to your friend directly, please select delivery and fill in the recipient’s full name and address.
5) Customers who opt for in-store pickup, please visit our shop to pick your order within 7 days from the ready-for-pickup date.
You are recommended to opt for in-store pickup to save more and at the same time enjoy holiday shopping at our shop.
Due to limited space at our storeroom, customers please pick your order within 7 days from the ready-for-pickup date. If customers do not pick up orders during the pickup window, the orders will be cancelled and it’s non-refundable.
Friendly Reminder
以上優惠只限於直接與 FLOAX的購買和預約,不適用於其他途徑之預約。
Other Terms and Conditions
60 mins Float Buy-1-Get-1-Free Voucher is valid for 2 months. Please refer to the exact date specified on the voucher.
This offer only applies for direct purchase and booking with FLOAX, not applicable to other booking platforms.
This offer cannot be refunded or redeemed for cash.
This offer cannot be used with other coupons/ vouchers/ other special offer at the same time.
Buy-1-Get-1-Free Voucher is for new clients only, the two bookings are to be made at the same time.
For float booking, please see our cancellation & late arrivals policy.