FLOAX PASS Terms and Conditions 會員制度條款與細則
* To be entitled to redemption, please provide your Contact no. and show your FLOAX PASS.
* FLOAX PASS Reward Programme is not valid for corporate purchases.
* Redeemed float session is for member's self use only, except redeemed shareable float packages, terms and conditions follow package destials
* FLOAX Therapy Spa Limited reserves the final rights on redemption offers and conditions.
* The redemption privileges and conditions may be amended or withdrawn without prior notice at the sole discretion of FLOAX Therapy Spa Limited.
^ Complimentary birthday float is only entitled to member who as active package with us. Birthday float is not transferrable for others use
^^ Complimentary gift will be given at each upgrade.
* 於兌換時必須提供您的聯繫號碼。 並顯示您的FLOAX PASS 作會員認證。
* FLOAX PASS獎勵計劃不適用於公司/ 機構消費。
* 兌換的漂浮療程僅供會員自用,兌換可分享的漂浮套票除外,條款以套票細則為準。
* FLOAX Therapy Spa Limited保留最終兌換優惠和條件決定權。
* FLOAX保留更改保留上述之優惠或條款而不作另行通知。
^生日月份贈送的漂浮節數只限給有現成套票的會員, 亦不供轉讓他人使用
^^ 升級贈品於每次升級後會送出。