Instructor 導師
Lay 擁有5年直覺解牌研習,強項是直覺塔羅和覺知塔羅,亦曾修讀天使療法,解夢課程等不同心靈課程。
Lay 直覺解牌風格是專門針對自我覺知和成長,為客人作心靈解讀分享,從而了解自己,活出自己。
Unlike general Tarot divination which is mostly predicting the future, instead we will explore your inner world together through card visuals. You may see the internal boundaries that needs to be break through, or the long-forgotten inner power.
Through self-recognition and exploration, it helps you bring obstacles and inner talents back to awareness from the unconscious level, see through our blind spots and inherent values, so that you can make better choices and decisions for your future.
After floating, we provide a one-on-one card reading session from our instructor. Please explore with an open heart and a desire to break through. From the floating meditation to the process of reading cards, you can awaken your inner strength and get advice on next step actions or mentality.