Instructor 導師
Certified Yoga Therapeutics & Meditation Teacher | Certified Behavioral Consultant
當擁有別人眼中完美的事業、婚姻時,導師Winnie突然發現自己所追求的原來離快樂越來越遠。幸好瑜伽及冥想為生活添上了方向感,一步一步踏上這趟聯繫一直源於內心幸福的旅途。憑著多年從事企業培訓導師的經驗,Winnie 偏好以顯淺易明的方法與心聯繫。邀請您一同成為這趟旅途的遊伴。
Visualization Sound Bath Meditation is a journey to gain new vision and energy through imagination and powerful sounds of singing bowls. Our instructor will recommend a meditation route according to the conditions of our guests.
This is an one-on-one or one-on-two meditation session before floating, to prepare you for complete pressure relieve, pain soothing, and unwind your body and mind. This journey helps you to be more engaged and make good use of the next floating experience, thereby making your body, mind, and soul more unloaded and grounded.